Open letter to Johannesburg Summit
Division for Sustainable
Development, United Nations
Presented for the PREPCOM 2, 28
January - 8 February 2002, New York, USA
Fax to: 1-917-367 2341 and to all delegates,
observers, NGOs and journalists
(please distribute
further to support this initiative)
Sanitation is a key to
Sustainable Development!
- Conventional
sanitation can only
operate with high water consumption
- Conventional
sanitation has been
developed without consideration of water and fertiliser reuse thus
the served region of valuable resources
- Mixing the small
amount of
dangerous faecal matter with large amounts of water spreads pathogens
receiving waters - often without treatment as it can be seen all around
- Conventional
sewerage systems do
flood the streets with raw wastewater in countries with heavy rainy
seasons in
too many cases
(just to name a
few of the many problems)
- Sustainable
sanitation is designed
for low water consumption (demand
side management) and aims for full reuse
of water and fertiliser
- Sustainable sanitation is often
based on source control of faecal matter to
secure highest hygienic standards and keep it apart from freshwater
- Sustainable sanitation is adaptable
to the socio-economic conditions trough the use of high- to low-tech
- Sustainable sanitation allows economic water
reuse by separate
collection and treatment of greywater, the fraction of wastewater not
with feacal matter
- Sustainable sanitation is often
decentral and is capable to provide high
performance at low costs – user involvement and proper maintenance
is a key
to success
Please do consider these key issues for sustainable
developement for the
Johannesburg summit!
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl
(responsible and available for further
information) otterpohl@tuhh.de
Institute of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater
Management, TUHH, Technical University Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49-40-42 878-3007,
cellphone +49-173-21 62
048 (mail
your support, too)
Prof. Dr. Willi Gujer
gujer@eawag.ch Swiss
Federal Institute of
Member of directorate of Swiss Federal Institute for
Environmental Science and Technology, EAWAG, Duebendorf,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Krebs pkrebs@rcs.urz.tu-dresden.de
Director, Institute
for Urban Water Management, Dresden University
of Technology, Germany
Dr. Mogens Henze mh@IMT.DTU.DK
Professor, Head of Department
Environment & Resources DTU, Technical University of Denmark
Prof. Dr. Heinz A. Preisig
Professor of Systems & Control
Technical University Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Haberl raimund.haberl@boku.ac.at
Institute of Water Provision, Dept. Sanitary Engineering, Univ. of
Agricultiure, Vienna, Austria
Dr.-Ing. Peter Wilderer Peter.Wilderer@bv.tu-muenchen.de
Director, Institute of Water Quality Control & Waste Managment,
University Munich, Germany
Prof. Dr. Goen Ho ho@essun1.murdoch.edu.au
Director, Environmental Technology
Murdoch University, Perth, Australia